Indigenous Knowledge

The Indigenous Knowledge Plenary will highlight the invaluable contributions of indigenous communities and their knowledge systems to global sustainable development efforts. This plenary brings together experts, policymakers, and indigenous leaders to showcase the integration of traditional knowledge with modern science in addressing the UN SDGs.

One of the key sessions, “Harnessing Archaeology and SDGs for the Better Future of Africa,” presented by ALECSO and the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts, focuses on community engagement in climate change adaptation and the preservation of indigenous knowledge. This session will explore how indigenous knowledge systems, deeply rooted in local environments, contribute to environmental sustainability, climate resilience, and biodiversity conservation. By leveraging the knowledge of indigenous peoples and archaeological insights, this session supports SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 15 (Life on Land), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

The session titled “Supporting and Raising Awareness on Indigenous Leadership in Research,” hosted by the National Science Foundation, will reflect on funders’ support for indigenous research and discuss strategies that expand engagement with these communities. This session emphasizes the empowerment of indigenous researchers, focusing on promoting culturally safe research practices and fostering equitable partnerships, contributing to SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities).

In “Indigenous Mental Health: Integrating Traditional Knowledge and Healing Practices with a Modern Medical Approach,” led by Yale University School of Medicine, the focus will be on combining indigenous healing traditions with contemporary mental health practices. This session will explore the role of cultural resilience, environmental stewardship, and community-based approaches in addressing mental health disparities.

The session “Indigenous Women in STEM for Sustainable Development,” organized by Yachaq Warmi, will showcase the innovative projects led by indigenous women that integrate traditional knowledge with modern science to address global challenges such as climate action. This session highlights the critical role of indigenous women in STEM fields and promotes gender equality and sustainable innovation.

By fostering global partnerships, promoting inclusive research, and integrating traditional and modern approaches, this plenary aims to elevate indigenous leadership in the global effort to create a more sustainable and equitable future. Through meaningful engagement with indigenous communities, the plenary will advance holistic solutions that align with the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

This event is a critical platform for raising awareness about the transformative power of indigenous knowledge and for promoting sustainable development practices that honor the wisdom of indigenous cultures while fostering collaboration and innovation across sectors.