Terms & Conditions

Science Summit Virtual & In-Person Event Registration Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions (these “Terms”) govern Your registration for and participation in Science Summit Virtual & In-Person Event (the “Event”) and are an agreement between Science Summit (“Science Summit,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) and You.


You represent to us that You are authorised to enter into these Terms. You may only register for and attend the Event in accordance with these Terms. To register for the Event, You must complete the Event registration process. Sharing Your registration with another person(s) is a violation of the Code of Conduct and may result in Your access to or participation in the Event being terminated or revoked.



Visa requirements

It is your sole responsibility to take care of visa requirements, a valid passport and other necessary documentation for entrance into the country where the Science Summit Event is taking place. If you require an entry visa to attend or volunteer at the Science Summit Event, you must allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure.


General attendance at the Science Summit is free of charge. It is strictly prohibited for convenors and sponsors of the Science Summit to charge attendees for their participation at their sessions and Plenaries.

When you register for in-person participation, you are entitled to attend the specific sessions you selected from the Science Summit agenda. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion and without any liability, to reschedule, postpone, or cancel the event as outlined in the section below.

During the event, in addition to talks, presentations, discussions, and round tables, there are some social events that are restricted to attendees and by invitation only. You can only attend to those in case you have an invitation. Accessing the Event venue does not give you the right to access the events by invitation only.

Your attendance at a Science Summit Event

You are responsible for advising us at the time of making your booking regarding any special access requirements you require at the Science Summit Event.

You are responsible for arranging your own appropriate insurance cover in connection with your attendance or exhibition at a Science Summit Event. We and our related companies will not be liable for any injury or damage to any person or to any real or personal property however caused (except for death or personal injury as a result of our negligence or for any other type of liability that cannot be excluded or limited by law).

During the Science Summit Event, you shall conduct yourself in an orderly manner and shall not act in any manner which causes offence, annoyance or inconvenience to other Attendees. Attendees shall not canvass, promote, advertise or solicit for business in a manner which, in our sole discretion, is deemed unacceptable. We reserve the right to remove from the Venue any attendee who we consider in our reasonable opinion contravenes applicable laws or regulations or our policies and procedures or those of the Venue, is likely to cause offence or annoyance or is otherwise inappropriate or does not comply with these terms.

The Science Summit Event is environmentally conscious and promotes a paperless event, where possible. As an attendee, you undertake not to distribute promotional materials or similar items save where a Litter Charge has been agreed with our express prior written consent. Minimum Litter Charge €5,000. Any attendee wishing to distribute promotional material or similar items should email info@sciencesummitunga.com to arrange invoicing and payment in advance of the event. All funds relating to the Litter Charge will be donated to a local Community / Environmental Fund of our choosing.

You are not permitted to engage in or attempt to engage in any activity in breach of the Terms of Use, this includes:

Impersonating or misrepresenting an individual or entity in a manner that is considered misleading or deceptive;
Partaking in activities that are considered fraudulent, unlawful or false, such as scams;
Using our Digital Platforms in any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation;
Sending mass solicitation material without intent or purpose, such as spam;
Knowingly transmitting any data, or sending or uploading any material, that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware;
Knowingly sending, receiving, uploading, downloading, using or re-using any material that does not comply with our content standards;
Violating the privacy of individuals, or distributing confidential or personal information relating to individuals;
Violating or infringing any intellectual property or proprietary rights of individuals or entities, including but not limited to copyrights.

You may not use your username, display name, or profile bio to engage in any practice prohibited by these Terms and Conditions.

CANCELLATION POLICY In-Person Registration and Virtual Registration Cancellation Terms:

  • We try to make sure that the Science Summit Event programmes, speakers, topics, venues and dates are correct at the time of publishing. We reserve the right to make substitutions, alterations, postponements, or cancellations to the content, format, themes, name, performers, hosts, moderators, venue, timing or dates of a Science Summit Event. We reserve the right to do so at any time and will not be liable to you for any cost incurred by you as a result (including, without limitation, travel, accommodation and other expenses).
  • Personal arrangements and expenditures, including travel, accommodation, hospitality and other costs and expenses incurred by you relating to the Event which have been arranged by you are at your own risk, and we shall not be responsible or liable to you for any wasted or unrecoverable costs or expenditure in relation to such personal arrangements, even if caused as a result of the cancellation, rescheduling or alteration of the Science Summit.
  • If You are not able to attend in person in New York after registration, please send us a cancellation email to info@sciencesummitunga.com.
  • AGE LIMITATION Attendees must be 18 years of age on the first day of the Event to attend this Event and all related events. 

By attending this Event, You acknowledge and agree that Science Summit has the right to use, reproduce, broadcast, rebroadcast, or incorporate in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of photographs and/or videos of You or Your participation in the Event (including Your name, occupation, and employer, and social media profiles if You choose to upload them in Your own discretion) for use in marketing materials and/or training materials and for internal use (“Materials”). You irrevocably, grant, transfer, and assign a nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty free right and license to Science Summit, if any, in and to the Materials and all copyrights in the Materials arising in any jurisdiction throughout the world, including the right to register and sue to enforce such copyrights against infringers. You understand that the Materials may be substantially edited, altered, rearranged or modified. To the maximum extent permitted by law, You hereby waive any moral rights You may have in the Materials.

By allowing Science Summit to receive and display Your contact information throughout the Event, You are opting-in to receiving communications from Science Summit, sponsors, exhibitors, and other attendees. You will be subject Science Summit’s Privacy Policy and may opt-out from receiving such communications from Science Summit. 


Science Summit may collect, manage and share Your information in accordance with Science Summit’s Privacy Policy  and all applicable data privacy laws and regulations. 

We are committed to creating a safe environment that is inclusive and free from discrimination, regardless of race, religion, colour, national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, transgender status, age, disability, veteran or marital status, or any other protected categories under applicable law.

All participants must abide by the following policy:

Expected Behaviour:

  • Be considerate of those around You.
  • Be respectful of others and viewpoints that may be different from Your own.
  • Be mindful of Your words and actions.

Unacceptable behaviours may include, but are not limited to:

  • Offensive or unwanted behaviour or language related to race, religion, colour, national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, transgender status, age, disability, veteran or marital status, or any other protected categories under applicable law.
  • Visual harassment, such as sexual images or sexual language at the Event, including presentations and slide decks. 
  • Intimidation or bullying, both online and/or in-person.
  • Sharing Your event registration or making event content available to a Science Summit competitor.
  • Any other illegal activity not already covered above.
  • Sharing Your event registration with another person(s).
  • Failure to follow any of the rules or regulations of the event or instructions of the Event staff.


Consequences of Unacceptable Behaviour:
Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated and could result in debarment from current, and/or any future Science Summit events. If a participant is seen engaging in unacceptable behaviour, Science Summit may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from the Event without warning. If appropriate, local law enforcement may get involved. 

Reporting Behaviour:
If You are the subject of, or witness to any violations of these Terms and Condition, You can contact us by sending an email to info@sciencesummitunga.com 

If necessary, Event staff are empowered to take appropriate actions that may include, but are not limited to, debarment from the Event and/or involving venue security or local law enforcement.

The Terms and Conditions may be revised at any time by Science Summit and the terms are non-negotiable. 



Science Summit, at its sole discretion reserves the right to refuse or revoke admittance or access to or expel from the Event anyone for any lawful reason, including but not to anyone that is behaving in a manner that could be disruptive to the Event or any other attendee. 



These rules govern the relationship between us and attendees to the Science Summit Event Websites and related websites, together hereinafter referred to as the “Digital Platforms”.

Acceptable use

When accessing and using any of our Digital Platforms you are prohibited from:

violating any law, statute, ordinance or regulation;
using the Digital Platforms (or any part of it) for any illegal purpose. You agree to use it in accordance with all relevant laws;
promoting or providing information about illegal activities, promoting physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promoting any illegal acts;
uploading or transmitting through the Digital Platforms any computer viruses, macro viruses, Trojan horses, worms or anything other harmful activity;
overriding any security feature of the Digital Platforms or jeopardise the security of your account or someone else’s account (such as allowing someone else to log in to your profile as you);
interfering with the operation of, or places an unreasonable load on, the Digital Platforms (such as viruses, denial of service attack or gaming algorithms);
using manual or automated software, devices or other means or processes to access, scrape or crawl the Digital Platforms or any content or information contained in it;
engaging in ‘framing’, ‘mirroring’, or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of the Digital Platforms;
removing any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the Digital Platforms;
modifying, creating derivative works or copying or storing any significant portion of the Digital Platforms or any related technology (unless allowed by law or we expressly authorise);
using the Digital Platforms (or any part of it) in a manner which may result in; (i) the Digital Platforms being interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient or such manner designed to interfere with, interrupt or disrupt the normal operating procedures of computers or Digital Platforms; (ii) sharing any material which is unlawful, libellous, abusive, obscene, pornographic, discriminatory, harmful, fraudulent, deceptive, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar invasive of another’s privacy, hateful or otherwise objectionable, defamatory, offensive, or of an obscene or menacing character, or that may cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety; (iii) impairing the effectiveness or functionality of the Digital Platforms; or (iv) violating or infringing the rights of any person, firm or company (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights, confidentiality and/ or privacy of the Digital Platforms);
attempting to grant any unauthorised access to any part or component of the Digital Platforms;
copying or distributing any part of the Digital Platforms in any medium without our prior written consent; and
altering or modifying any part of the Digital Platforms other than as may be reasonably necessary to use the Digital Platforms for their intended use; or
reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, deciphering or otherwise attempting to obtain the source code or underlying ideas or information of or relating to the Digital Platforms or any related technology, or any part thereof unless allowed by law.

Digital Platform Disclaimer

While we will use reasonable endeavours to verify the accuracy of any information we place on the Digital Platforms, we make no warranties, whether express or implied in relation to its accuracy. We will develop and operate the Digital Platforms with reasonable skill and care and will use reasonable efforts to promptly remedy any faults of which we become aware. However, the Digital Platforms, all materials, information, software, products and services included in or available through the Digital Platforms are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis for your information and personal use only without any representation or endorsement. We do not guarantee that access to the Digital Platforms will be uninterrupted or error-free.

To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, we disclaim all warranties or conditions, either express or implied, or any part of them in relation to the Digital Platforms, all materials, information, software, products or services offered on the Digital Platforms whether by us or on our behalf, and in relation to any results or information obtained through the Digital Platforms and any reliance on any such results or information and conclusions drawn from such results or information. You acknowledge and agree that in accepting these Terms you have not relied on any representation or warranty that is not expressly included in these Terms and you agree that you shall have no remedy in respect of any misrepresentation which has not become a part of these Terms.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all warranties, representations, conditions and duties of any kind, whether implied or expressed, including without limitation, any warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, accuracy, condition or completeness, or any implied warranty arising from course of dealing or usage or trade.

You acknowledge that we cannot guarantee and therefore shall not be in any way responsible for the timeliness, security, performance or privacy of the Digital Platforms and any information provided to or taken from the Digital Platforms by you.


Digital Platforms Intellectual Property

We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the Digital Platforms. You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in all material or content contained within the Digital Platforms shall remain at all times owned by us or our licensors. You are permitted to use this material only as expressly authorised by us. We reserve all rights not expressly granted in and to the Digital Platforms and the content on the Digital Platforms. You agree not copy, publish, republish, redistribute, archive, store, adapt, alter, modify, translate, create derivative works from, summarise, photocopy, scan, syndicate, sell, licence, frame, harvest, scrape, grant or purport to grant any rights in or otherwise make available any content from the Digital Platforms.

“Science Summit”,  no licence or consent is granted to you to use these trademarks in any way and you agree not to use these trademarks without our prior written permission.

Access to Digital Platforms

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to terminate or block your access to all or part of the Digital Platforms, with or without notice, for any reason or no reason, including without limitation your violation of these Terms.

Nothing in these Terms affects your statutory rights as a consumer.



Science Summit may provide You online access to and use of the Event via the Internet by use of an attendee-provided browser. You are solely responsible for obtaining and maintaining at its own expense, all equipment needed to access the Event, including but not limited to Internet access and adequate bandwidth.


By registering to attend this Event and participating in Events held by Science Summit, You hereby acknowledge, understand and agree that:

  • Science Summit adheres to all applicable national and local health and safety  requirements. Any health or safety precautions will be outlined in Science Summit’s FAQ as updated in Science Summit’s sole discretion.; 
  • You are fully aware that Your physical appearance at the Event Locations(s) and participation in the Event or any Event-related activities carries with it certain inherent risks and You acknowledge and assume full responsibility for all such risks inherent in any type of physical activity, including the activities at the Event location(s). These risks include property damage, serious bodily injury, and/or death, including any injury, harm and loss caused by the negligence, fault or conduct of any kind on the part of the Released Parties;
  • In addition to these Terms, You have reviewed, acknowledged and agree to abide by Science Summit’s Event Guidelines, including all applicable health and safety laws, rules, regulations, and governmental recommendations;
  • Your attendance and participation in the Event is completely voluntary and that You are attending and participating in the Event of Your own free will and volition; and
  • It is Your responsibility to ascertain any health conditions You may have that may make it inadvisable for You to participate in the Event or any Event-related activity. 

Except where prohibited by applicable law, Science Summit does not bear any legal liability or responsibility for the safety or health of any attendee participating in this Event. Science Summit disclaims any liability for the acts of any outside entities related to this Event. Science Summit reserves the right to cancel the Event without liability. 

Each attendee shall be personally responsible for his/her behaviour. The organisers do not accept responsibility for the behaviour of any attendee or outside entity during the Event. Science Summit shall not be liable for any delays or failure in performance or interruption of services resulting directly or indirectly from any cause or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of Science Summit including but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, failure of transportation, weather, accidents, fires, electrical failures, viruses or infectious diseases, strikes, labor disputes, postal delays, explosions, and government orders or regulations. Attendees at this Event agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Science Summit, its officers, directors and agents, against all claims arising out of actions or omissions of attendee at or in connection with this Event. To the maximum extent permitted by law, You (for Yourself, Your heirs, dependents, personal representatives, assigns, and anyone else who might make a claim on Your behalf or as a result of Your death or injury) hereby release Science Summit, and their respective directors, officers, employees, contractors, representatives, agents, successors, and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”), from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, suits, damages, losses, debts, liabilities, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable legal fees and costs) that You may have now or in the future associated in any way with the Event or the materials. Except where prohibited by applicable law, Science Summit disclaims any and all direct, special, consequential, incidental, punitive or other indirect damages of any kind whether alleged as a breach of contract or tortious conduct, including negligence, or based on any other cause of action. The laws of Belgium without giving effect to its conflict of law provisions, govern these Terms and any dispute of any sort that might arise between the parties. Any dispute must be litigated in the Belgium courts.

Registering to attend this Event acknowledges acceptance of these Terms and provisions of registration.