Session proposals submission for the Science Summit


Get Involved

The Science Summit during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79) offers a dynamic and inclusive platform for organisations and individuals worldwide. 

This hybrid event available both, virtually and in person in New York, fosters diverse participation and modes of idea-sharing and collaboration:

1. Session submissions

Organisations are invited to submit a two-hour session as part of the agenda. Accepted sessions will be part of the Science Summit Agenda virtually.

UN Science Summit 2023 - at The Cure.

2. Speaker submissions

The Science Summit during UNGA79 invites the global research community to submit speaker proposals. Accepted speakers will be invited to join an existing session.


3. Youth submissions

A unique opportunity for young individuals aged 13-22 around the globe to engage in critical discussions on how science contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals


4. Sponsorship

We would be delighted to collaborate with you to develop your session and support your engagement with the international research community.

Diverse topics encouraged

We invite proposals covering all fields of physical, natural, and social sciences, as well as related areas such as science financing, data protection regulations, frugal innovation, and the role of women in science and science policymaking. We particularly encourage showcasing leadership from emerging economies.

Proposers are required to strive for gender balance and geographic diversity.

You may find it helpful to look at the agenda for the Science Summit during UNGA78, which took place in New York and online from 12-29 September 2023. In addition, there are several information sources which may be of interest:

Guidance and Notes on Submitting

Accepted contributions will be limited to one presentation and poster abstract per author. Similarly, we aim to avoid multiple presentations on a single initiative/project.

Submissions advertising commercial products and services will not be considered.

Submitted session should demonstrate the role of science and innovation in advancing the achievement of one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Abstract length should be a minimum of 250 words and should not exceed 4000 words.

All submitted sessions will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers based on the abovementioned criteria.

Session proposals are encouraged to reflect international diversity by featuring speakers from a minimum of three different countries and various organizations. Proposals comprising speakers solely from one organization will not be considered.

Key Dates

If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you want to discuss your proposal ideas, please contact:
